Day 1:
Agenda Item 2: Overview of the SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea minerals Project- Vira Atalifo (Deep Sea Minerals Project Support Officer)
Agenda Item 3: State Equity Participation in the Solwara 1 Project – Shadrach Himata (Secretary, Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management, PNG)
Agenda Item 4: International Legal Regime for DSM Activities- Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Agenda Item 5: Role and Responsibilities of States in a DSM Context-Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Agenda Item 6: Environment Obligation and Responsibilities- Melino Bain Vete (Fiji) and Eric T. Iban( Marshall Islands)- Former DSM Project Interns
Agenda Item 7: Development of Strong, robust, effective national DSM regulatory frameworks- Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Day 2:
Agenda Item 8: Policy Development and Process- Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Agenda Item 9: Legislation Development and Process- Paul Hibberd (Legal Consultant)
Agenda Item 10: Cook Islands DSM Policy Case Studies- Caroline Tiria (Compliance Officer, Seabed Minerals Authority)
Agenda Item 10: DSM Policy Case Studies Fiji Offshore Mineral Policy- Malakai Finau (Director Mineral Development/Director of Mines, Minerals Resources Department, Ministry of Lands & Minerals Resources)
Agenda Item 10: Papua New Guinea DSM Case Study – Asavi Kendua (Assistant Director-Policy Advisory Branch, Mineral Policy and Legislation Division, Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazzards Management, PNG)
Agenda Item 11: Procedural Challenges of Formulating and Implementing DSM Policy Case Studies (Marshall Islands) - Divine Waiti (Legislative Counsel, Parliament of the Marshall Islands)
Agenda Item 12: Cook Islands Case Study- Zoe Genet (Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office)
Agenda Item 12: DSM Legislative Case Studies (Fiji) - Semi Bolalailai (Geological Survey Division, Minerals Resources Department
Agenda Item 12: DSM Legislation Case Study PNG- Harry Kore (Deputy Secretary, DMPGM)
Agenda Item 12: DSM Legislative Case Studies Tonga- Akanesi. E. Katoa (Assistant Crown Counsel, Attorney General’s Office, Tonga)
Agenda Item 12: DSM Legislative Case Studies Tuvalu- Asterio Takashi (Crown Counsel, Attorney General’s Office, Government of Tuvalu)
Agenda Item 13: Procedural Challenges of drafting and passing DSM legislation Case Studies Marshall Islands- Johnathen Kawakami- (Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General)
Day 3:
Agenda Item 14: Key Practical Issues in Policy Development and Formulation- Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Agenda Item 15: National Offshore Minerals Committee (NOMC)- Vira Atalifo (Deep Sea Minerals Project Support Officer
Agenda Item 16: The Role and Function of the National Offshore Committee in Fiji- Malakai Finau (Director Mineral Development/ Director of Mines, Mineral Resources Dept, Ministry of Lands & Minerals)
Agenda Item 16: Kiribati National Offshore Mineral Committee- Tebete England (Mineral Division, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development)
Agenda Item 16: The Role and Function of the National Offshore Minerals Committee in Papua New Guinea- Winterford Eko (Acting Director, Mineral Policy & Legislation Division, Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazzards Management)
Agenda Item 16: The Role and Function of the National Offshore Minerals Committee in the Marshall Islands- Johnathen Kawakami, Marshall Islands Attorney General’s Office)
Agenda Item 16: The Role and Function of the National Offshore Minerals Committee in Samoa- Lameko Talia (Principal Scientific Officer, Meteorology Division, Ministry of Natural Resources& Environment)
Agenda Item 16: The Role and Function of the National Offshore Minerals Committee in Vanuatu- Camillia Garae (Department of Geology and Mines (Minerals Section)
Day 4:
Agenda Item 18: Minerals Policy & Legislative Review: Stakeholders Consultations in Papua New Guinea- Winterford Eko (Acting Director, Mineral Policy & Legislation Division)
Agenda Item 18: Stakeholder Consultations (Marshall Islands) - Dinene Waiti (Legislative Counsel 7 Drafter, Parliament of the Marshall Islands)
Agenda Item 18: Stakeholder Consultation in Vanuatu – Camillia Garae (Department of Geology and Mines (Minerals Section)
Agenda Item 19: Legislative Drafting Group Exercises –Presented by Paul Hibberd (Legal Consultant)
Agenda Item 19: Legislative Drafting Group Exercise- Paul Hibberd (Legal Consultant)
Agenda Item 19: Policy Formulation-Instructions- Group Exercise- Presented by Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
DAY 5:
Agenda Item 21: Regional Cooperation & Assistance provided- Marie Bourrel (Deep Sea Minerals Project Legal Adviser)
Agenda Item 24: Overview of the DSM Project Internship and Capacity Building Opportunities- Nunia Vucukula (DSM Project, SPC)